Restoring Community in America: Restorative Justice Stories of Healing, Wholeness, and Belonging shows what restorative justice can mean in our large cities and small towns today. In it you will find story after story of America’s best kept secret of what justice can and should look like.
Data shows a much lower rate of recidivism and a much higher rate of restitution payment when restorative practices are used rather than going through the traditional justice system. It shows that both victims of crime and whole communities are more satisified with the results of restorative justice. Stories can help communicate the power of these practices beyond the data, by showing how healing, wholeness, and a sense of belonging come from bringing together both those who cause and those who experience harm in a restorative practice with trained facilitators.
This book of stories about real-life transformations that occurred through restorative practices will thrust restorative justice into the conversation in schools and communities across the country, prompting a new audience of readers to consider alternative ways of resolving conflict and creating healthy learning environments.
If you or anyone you know has been a victim of crime or been involved with our current criminal justice system, and you thought to yourself, “There must be a better way!” Restoring Community in America is for you!